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My Story

For over 20 years, I was living the corporate rat race. 


I had been living with anxiety my entire career, but I was moving too fast to even notice it was a problem. 


I knew it was time for change - and yet I had no clue what that meant for me.


So, in 2019 I traveled with my daughter to Bali for a ten-day yoga and meditation retreat. And, at the end of the retreat, I took a deep breath and realized that, for the first time, I could take a deep breath without pain. 


This experience was a transformational one for me - I realized that I had been living with anxiety my entire career, and I had gotten so used to living with pain and anxiety in my body that it became normal.

I made a commitment to myself that day and I set two goals for myself: to breathe deeply and have peace of mind. I was on a mission to find a way to make this my new normal and to find a way to live a life I didn’t need a vacation from.

From that day forward, I explored restorative practices and learned about the nervous system and how to regulate it. Having peace of mind meant slowing down and that began with restorative yoga which led to yoga nidra (yoga for the inside), meditation followed by forest therapy and reiki, and most recently, holistic yoga and sound therapy.

What I learned through these studies was that by slowing down, I was able to sleep more deeply, think more clearly, and be less emotionally volatile.


Eventually, the insomnia and anxiety vanished.


Now, I help others who feel stuck learn how to slow down, create peace of mind and hear their inner voice.

Is that you?

If so, I am here to help.

Professional Certifications




Holistic Yoga & Sound Teacher Training

Integrative Sound Healing Foundations

Holy Fire III Reiki Master



Forest Therapy Certification, Global Institute of Forest Therapy

Restorative Yoga TT 23 Hours


Yoga Nidra TT 22 Hour


Meditation TT 30 Hour


M.A. Adult Education


B.A English

Client Love

"From the moment we connected online I could feel Monique's presence. Her genuine and authentic presence immediately settled my anxious state. The entire experience felt very intimate and healing. I would highly recommend Monique and I continue to use her services."


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